Piano strings and soundboard

Piano in need?

Piano action on workbench
Sam Debatin tuning a piano

Our Services

We offer all major tuning, regulation and repair services for both upright and grand pianos, as well as specialty digital player piano services — serving the greater Pittsburg area.

  • All pianos require regular and frequent tunings — this is perhaps the most important maintenance you can perform on your piano. Tuning both improves the tone and extends the life of your piano.

  • Regulation is the adjustment of the touch of your piano. Does your piano feel sluggish, sticky, heavy, or out of control? You may need a regulation!

  • We get it — things break. Whether it be as simple as a broken string or sticking key, or as complicated as an action rebuild, we’ve got you covered.

  • Digital player systems require extra routine maintenance beyond what is required of a normal acoustic piano. As a Yamaha dealer trained technician as well as QRS player certified installer, I specialize in making these systems work for you!

Generations of excellence

I come from a family of tuners and technicians — my grandfather, Art Stokes, started his tuning business in the late 1970s. His legacy is carried on by my uncle and myself, each carving our own path in the world of pianos. As a technician with experience in university, dealer, and field environments, I seek to continue the passion for music that my grandfather instilled in all of us almost fifty years ago.

A young Art Stokes, Sam's grandfather, at the piano

A young Art Stokes at the piano

Get in touch!

T: (614) 484-2067


Schedule online here