Services and Prices

We offer:

First-time/Full-service Tuning - $195

Has it been a while since your last tuning? New customer? This is the service you’re looking for. Pianos that have not been serviced in some time require special care. Full service tuning appointments include a pitch raise if necessary, as well as time allotted to fixing clicking, sticking, or otherwise malfunctioning keys.

2.5 hours

Standard Tuning - $165

Tuning regularly keeps your piano sounding great. A tuning every six months will help to keep your piano in good, playable condition. Changes in humidity and temperature as well as any kind of movement will affect your piano’s pitch. Appointments include minor fixes, time allowing.

1.75 hours

Disklavier/QRS/Player Service - $235

Digital player systems require special services such as calibration, networking, and even special regulation to ensure they continue to function properly. Player service appointments include tuning as well as a full check of the player system and its components.

2 hours

Half Day Service - $300

Refresh your piano’s sound and feel — as pianos age, the wood and felt parts begin to wear and can seize up, causing the pianos touch and tone to suffer. Half day appointments include tuning, basic regulation/voicing, and cleaning.

~4 hours

Full Day Service - $550

For when your piano needs some serious work! Maybe your piano has sat neglected for some years, or you bought it second hand and would like to breathe new life into it. Full day appointments are eight hours and include tuning, regulation/voicing, reconditioning of felt parts, lubrication, and cleaning.

~8 hours

Deep Cleaning - $80/$45

Is your piano dirty? You’re not alone! Cleaning includes vacuuming and dusting all areas of the piano (especially those that are harder to reach), as well as polishing of the keys, exterior, and pedals. Discount to $45 when added to a tuning appointment.

45 minutes - 1 hour

Hourly rate - $75/hr

Covers any other work your piano may need. Sometimes, pianos may need more extensive work than what is possible in the home. Shop work includes bench regulation, key rebushing, felt replacement, hammer replacement, and other non-structural rebuilding.

Length of appointment varies as required

Piano inspection - $60

Not sure if your piano is serviceable? We are happy to take a look. This is helpful when servicing a piano that has not received regular maintenance or when purchasing a used piano.

45 minutes